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Today the existence of Digambar Jain society seems to be weakening all over the world. Somewhere our areas are being encroached upon, and somewhere we are lagging behind financially and at some places we do not get any help from the government. Our youth are not able to take education without financial help, so educate youth have problems of employment| Society is surrounded by many problems|

Prakrit Education and Global University

Propagation of Jain education should be done and it is easy to teach Jain Prakrit and Manuscript to the coming generation, so the aim of the Global Mahasabha is to form a Jain University in collaboration with the government, where the youth of the society can take Jain education and the coming generations. Prakrit and Manuscripts should be promoted as well as old texts, scriptures will be a big task of its promotion.

Global Jain Museum

In which our ancient texts, idols are lying everywhere in bad condition, to promote them and for the purpose of getting information about our archeology to the coming generation, we will build a museum

Global Clinic

A clinic will be opened at district level where checkup, lab, x ray machine, dialysis center will be made which will be completely free for Jain society.

Global Gurukul :

Jain society's own school, in which our children will be given education at nominal rates. Along with this, they will also be given the education of Jainism. In the coming 10 years, schemes worth crores of rupees will be started in collaboration with the government.


Global Jain Market

Unique step for the empowerment of Jain women A platform has been created on the lines of Amazon for women to sell their products which is completely free. Along with this, training will also be given to women through various seminars.

Reflecting on this subject, in August 2021 Jamnalal Jain Hapawat Mumbai, Paras Lohade Nashik, Kamal B. Jain Delhi, Suresh Singhvi Banswara, Kamlesh Jain Mumbai These five together established Shri Digambar Jain Global Mahasabha.

The aim was clear|Empowering the society, tying the Digambar Jains of the whole world in a garland, Strengthening every individual in the society, Protect religion and society|

Therefore it is written in the theme song of the organization

Global Mahasabha

will give a new identity to Digambar Jains on the world stage

Come You too join the Global General Assembly and contribute towards building a strong society.

Jamnalal Jain Hapawat

Founding President Mumbai

Vihara :

Vihar places of more than 5000 sadhus are being connected with mobile app across the country. So that all the information there will be available on one click. Along with this, the live location of all the sadhus will also be known.

Global Jain Business:

Increased mutual business of Jain community of the whole world, benefit each other... Increase mutual trust, so promote business by creating Jain business platform

will be given.

Global EducationHelp: It is promising, but such students who are unable to study due to financial problems will be given education loan without any mortgage, so that they can study easily.

Global Jain Sena:

Jain army of dedicated youth will be formed to raise voice against the injustice done to Jain society.

Minority Cells:

Minority cell will be formed for the society to get the facilities provided by the government to the minorities. Its benefit will be given to every person by forming a committee for this at the district level.

Fund to help victims of natural calamities (epidemics like corona, floods, earthquakes)

Giving financial assistance by making.

Employment centers in all states, cottage industries by opening bread, clothes,

Building self-supporting houses.

For women domestic industries like production of papad, farsan, wafers etc.

Make yourself self-sufficient by helping

Census of Jain society globally

Bringing Jain brothers who are converting from economic troubles into the mainstream

Trying to stop interracial marriage and divorce

Renovation of Jain statues, temples, pilgrimages scattered everywhere.|

Making awareness to increase Jain population|


Jain Jobs :

Lakhs of youth lost their jobs after the Corona crisis. Unique effort of Global General Assembly to get them jobs...

Jobs provided to more than 700 youth so far...

Jobs found on packages ranging from 1 lakh to 30 lakhs...

Five Jain youth of 5 IT sector are giving results...

Easily get jobs through mobile app, call center...

Jainum Jhoom Channel:

Jhoom channel created to propagate religion for free.. From where there are daily discourses of saints, house to house Abhishek, Abhishek to special areas, various seminars, seminars for women and students, job fairs... The seeds of modern revolution were sown in the field of media.....


Live special discourses of sages were conducted for the Jain brothers settled abroad.

Dharma Raksha :

Global Mahasabha is the first to raise voice against every voice raised against religion. The Global Mahasabha was the first to raise its voice in the whole country on the illegal Bhumi Pujan in Sammed Shikharji, as a result of which a case was filed against him. The Global General Assembly has been raising its voice on many such subjects.

Nirmal Global Scholarship Scheme

In this scheme of Shri Digambar Jain Global Mahasabha, keeping in view the objectives of education of bright students of Jain society, scholarship of class 7 to 10 5000/-, class 11 to 12: 7000/- is being provided. going on

for the bright future of the students of Digambar Jain society

There should be no hindrance in their primary education, so this effort will be our endeavor to make their future bright by providing education to all the students of the society.

Shramana Arogya Yojana

In order to take care of the health of Digambar Jain sadhus and Aryika mothers, the best work of donating medicines to Digambar sadhus is being started. Arrangements for legal, doctors, physiotherapy, tests, medicines will be made for sadhus across the country.

Labor Equipment Scheme

Under this, wherever there is a Muniraj Aryika in the whole of India. Necessary equipments like Pichhi Kamandal, Peacock Feather, Shastra Pate, Mat made of wood etc. will be presented to them. Presently this scheme has been implemented and this year clothes for all Aryaikas

being presented.

pilgrimage conservation plan

Tirths are moving towards protection, with the spirit of restoration of ancient Jain pilgrimages, the ancient Jain pilgrimage protection scheme has been started. Under this, the work of restoration of the first shrine has started.

Vihar App

Vihar App was created in the year 2021 in view of the problems faced by Sadhu Bhagwants in Bihar. This is a social media app similar to Google Map of Bihar App, in which all the country 5000 places by ensuring their information and location is marked on this app. Special care will be taken to ensure that all the locations are favorable in the practice of the sadhus.



Today the existence of Digambar Jain society seems to be weakening all over the world. Somewhere our areas are being encroached upon, and somewhere we are lagging behind financially and at some places we do not get any help from the government. Our youth are not able to take education without financial help, so educate Youth have problems of employment| Society is surrounded by many problems|

Prakrit Education and Global University

Propagation of Jain education should be done and it is easy to teach Jain Prakrit and Manuscript to the coming generation, so the aim of the Global Mahasabha is to form a Jain University in collaboration with the government, where the youth of the society can take Jain education and the coming generations. Prakrit and Manuscripts should be promoted as well as old texts, scriptures will be a big task of its promotion.

Global Jain Museum

In which our ancient texts, idols are lying everywhere in bad condition, to promote them and for the purpose of getting information about our archeology to the coming generation, we will build a museum

Global Clinic

A clinic will be opened at district level where checkup, lab, x ray machine, dialysis center will be made which will be completely free for Jain society.

Global Gurukul :

Jain society's own school, in which our children will be given education at nominal rates. Along with this, they will also be given the education of Jainism. In the coming 10 years, schemes worth crores of rupees will be started in collaboration with the government.


Global Jain Market

Unique step for the empowerment of Jain women A platform has been created on the lines of Amazon for women to sell their products which is completely free. Along with this, training will also be given to women through various seminars.

Reflecting on this subject, in August 2021 Jamnalal Jain Hapawat Mumbai, Paras Lohade Nashik, Kamal B. Jain Delhi, Suresh Singhvi Banswara, Kamlesh Jain Mumbai These five together established Shri Digambar Jain Global Mahasabha.

The aim was clear|Empowering the society, tying the Digambar Jains of the whole world in a garland, Strengthening every individual in the society, Protect religion and society|

Therefore it is written in the theme song of the organization

Global Mahasabha

will give a new identity to Digambar Jains on the world stage

Come You too join the Global General Assembly and contribute towards building a strong society.

Jamnalal Jain Hapawat

Founding President Mumbai

विहार :

पूरे देश में ५००० से ज्यादा साधुओं के विहार स्थान को मोबाईल ऐप से जोडा जा रहा है। जिससे वहां की सभी जानकारी एक क्लिक पर मिलेगी। साथ ही सभी साधुओं का लाईव लोकेशन भी पता चल पायेगा ।

ग्लोबल जैन व्यापारः

पूरे विश्व के जैन समाज का आपसी व्यापार बढे, एक दूसरे को फायदा मिले... आपसी विश्वास बढे इसलिए जैन बिजनेस मंच बनाकर व्यापार को बढावा

दिया जायेगा।

ग्लोबल एज्युहेल्प: होनहार तो है, लेकिन आर्थिक परेशानियों से पढ नही पा रहे ऐसे विद्यार्थियों को बिना किसी मॉरगेज के एज्युकेशन लोन दिया जायेगा, जिससे वो आसानी से पढ सके।

ग्लोबल जैन सेनाः

जैन समाज पर होनेवाले अन्याय के खिलाफ आवाज उठाने के लिए समर्पित युवाओं की जैन सेना बनाई जायेगी।

अल्पसंख्यक सेल:

सरकार द्वारा अल्पसंख्यांको को दी जानेवाली सुविधायें समाज को मिले इस हेतु अल्पसंख्याक सेल का गठन किया जायेगा। जिला स्तर पर इसके लिए समिती बनाकर हर व्यक्ति तक इसका फायदा दिया जायेगा।

प्राकृतिक आपदा (कोरोना जैसी महामारी, बाढ, भूकंप ) से पीडितों की मदद हेतु फंड

बनाकर आर्थिक सहायता देना.

सभी राज्यों में रोजगार केंद्र, कुटीर उद्योग खोलकर साधर्मी भाईयों को रोटी, कपडा,

मकान हेतु स्वावलंबी बनाना.

महिलाओं के लिए घरेलु उद्योंगों जैसे पापड, फरसाण, वेफर्स आदि के उत्पादन के

लिए मदद कर आत्मनिर्भर बनाना

जैन समाज की विश्वस्तर पर जनगणना करना

आर्थिक परेशानियों से धर्म परिवर्तन कर रहे जैन भाईयों को मुख्य धारा में लाना

आंतरजातिय विवाह और तलाक पर रोकधाम हेतु प्रयत्नकरना

यत्र तत्र बिखरे पडे जैन प्रतिमायें, मंदिर, तीर्थों का जिर्णोध्दार करना.|

जैन जनसंख्या बढाने हेतु जनजागृती करना |


जैन जॉब्स :

कोरोना संकट काल के बाद लाखों युवाओं की नौकरियां चली गई। उन्हें जॉब्स दिलाने हेतु ग्लोबल महासभा की अनोखी कोशिश...

अब तक ७०० से ज्यादा युवाओं को दिलाया जॉब्स...

१ लाख से लेकर ३० लाख तक के पॅकेज पर मिला जॉब्स... कंपनी, शॉप्स, ऑफीस, मंदिर, तीर्थक्षेत्र सभी जगह दिलवाये जॉब्स...

५ आयटी क्षेत्र के पाच जैन युवा दे रहें अंजाम...

मोबाईल ऐप, कॉल सेंटर के माध्यम से आसानी से दिलाते है जॉब ...

जैनम झूम चैनल:

धर्म के प्रचार प्रसार फ्री में करने हेतु बनाया झूम चैनल.. जहां से रोज होते है साधू संतो के प्रवचन, घर घर अभिषेक, विशेष क्षेत्रों को अभिषेक, विविध सेमीनार्स, महिलाओं एवं विद्यार्थीयों के लिए सेमीनार्स, जॉब फेयर्स... मिडीया के क्षेत्र में आधुनिक क्रांति का बीज बोया.....


विदेश में बसे जैन भाईयों के लिए साधू संतो के लाईव्ह विशेष प्रवचन किये गये।

धर्मरक्षा :

धर्म के खिलाफ उठनेवाली हर आवाज पर सबसे पहले आवाजा उठाने का काम ग्लोबल महासभा करती है। सम्मेद शिखरजी में हुए अवैध भूमिपूजन पर पूरे देश में सबसे पहले ग्लोबल महासभा ने आवाज उठाई, जिसके फलस्वरुप उसके खिलाफ केस दायर किया गया। ऐसे अनेक विषयों पर ग्लोबल महासभा आवाज उठाती आई है।

निर्मल ग्लोबल छात्रवृत्ति योजना

श्री दिगंबर जैन ग्लोबल महासभा के इस योजना मे ओर से जैन समाज के होनहार मेघावी छात्रों की शिक्षा के उद्देश्यों को ध्यान में रखते हुऐ कक्षा 7 से 10 5000/-, कक्षा 11 से 12: 7000/- की छात्रवृति प्रदान की जा रही है

दिगंबर जैन समाज के विद्यार्थीयों के उज्जवल भविष्य हेतु

उनका प्रथमिक शिक्षा में कोई रूकावट ना आऐ इसलिए यह प्रयास हमारा प्रयास रहेगा समाज के सभी छात्रों को शिक्षा दिला कर उनका भविष्य उज्जवल बने भविष्य में इसी योजना अंतर्गत उच्च शिक्षा के लिए भी हम छात्रवृति प्रदान की जाऐगी

श्रमण आरोग्य योजना

दिगंबर जैन साधुओं और अर्यिका मातायों के स्वास्थ की देखभाल करने हेतु दिगंबर साधुओं को औषधदान के श्रेष्ठतम कार्य को प्रारंभ किया जा रहा है। देशभर में साधुओं के लिए वैध, डाक्टर, फिजियोथेरेपी, जांच, औषधि की व्यवस्था की जाएगी।

श्रमण उपकरण योजना

इसके अंतर्गत सम्पूर्ण भारतवर्ष में जहाँ भी कोई मुनिराज आर्यिका विराजमान है। उन्हें आवश्यक उपकरण जेसे पिच्छी कमंडल मोर पंख शास्त्र पाटे लकड़ी से निर्मित चटाई आदि भेंट किये जाएंगे। वर्तमान में यह योजना लागू हो चुकी है एवं इस वर्ष समस्त आर्यिकाओं के लिए वस्त्र

भेंट किये जा रहे है।

तीर्थ संरक्षण योजना

तीर्थ संरक्षण की ओर बड रहे है कदम प्राचीन जैन तीर्थों के जीर्णोद्धार की भावना से प्राचीन जैन तीर्थ रक्षा योजना प्रारंभ की गई है। इसके अंतर्गत प्रथम तीर्थ के जीर्णोद्धार का कार्य प्रारंभ हो चुका है।

विहार एप

विहार एप साधू भगवंतों के बिहार में आने बाली समस्याओं को देखते हुए साल २०२१ में निर्माण हुआ बिहार ऐप का यह गूगल मेप जैसा ही एक सोशल मीडिया ऐप है जिसमे पुरे देश ५००० स्थानों को सुनिश्चित कर उनकी जानकारी एवं लोकेसन इस ऐप पर अंकित की जा रही है विशेष तोर पर धयान रखा जाएगा की सभी लोकेसन साधुओं की चर्या में अनुकूल हों |


fmd_good 10,Atul Niwas, First Floor,20/21 khetwadi, 7th Lane,Girgon, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400004

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person Shri Rahul Jain

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