Jeev Daya Sansthan
ऊॅ श्री महावीराय नम:
Regards to all the members Jai Jinendra.!
Informed all the members that Jeev Daya Sansthan has decided to go for Jeev Daya on Monday, 18/07/2022
1008 Shri Arhannath is the symbol of God and Lord Vishnu Matsya Avatar i.e. donating life to fish, with Abhay donation, Rudra avatar of Lord Shiva by donating bread, Peanuts and banana food to Jinendra God, happiness, peace and salvation wish that.
As always, Jeev Daya Sansthan looks forward to your cooperation.
Bless your human life by becoming a participant in this virtuous work in maximum numbers.
Members who want to be involved in this virtuous work, they all reached Ghazipur Mandi on 18/07/2022 at 6:30 am.
Jeeva Daya Sansthan
contact thread
Manoj Jain (Mikey fashion)
Saurabh Jain