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Moolanayak Sri Sri Vasupujya Swami, white color in Padmasana posture. On the right side of the Mulnayak is the idol of Shri Mallinath Bhagwan and on the left is the idol of Shri Parshvanath Bhagwan. All the 3 idols are made of white marble and are very beautiful.

This Shwetambar Jain temple is located in Achar Bazar, Patiala, Punjab. Very well maintained Jain temple with peaceful environment. Neat temple, ideal place for darshan, worship and meditation. A beautiful idol of Shasan Devi Mata is also installed in this temple.

How To Reach:

By Road:

Patiala is well connected by road.

By Rail:

Patiala Railway Station

By Air:

Chandigarh Airport 


Mulnayak Shri Shri Vasupujya Swami, white color in padmasana posture. On the right side of mulnayak the idol of Shri Mallinath Bhagwan and on the left side the idol of Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan. All 3 idols are made of with white marble and very beautiful.

This Shwetamber Jain temple is situated in Achar Bazar, Patiala, Punjab. Very well maintained Jain temple with peaceful environment. Neat and clean temple, ideal place for Darshan, Puja and Meditation. A Beautiful idol of Shasan Devi Mata also established in this temple.

How to reach:

By Road: Patiala is well connected by road.

By Rail : Patiala railway station  

By Air : Chandigarh Airport

मूलनायक श्री श्री वासुपूज्य स्वामी, सफेद रंग पद्मासन मुद्रा में। मुलनायक के दाहिनी ओर श्री मल्लीनाथ भगवान की मूर्ति और बाईं ओर श्री पार्श्वनाथ भगवान की मूर्ति है। सभी 3 मूर्तियाँ सफेद संगमरमर से बनी हैं और बहुत ही सुंदर हैं।

यह श्वेतांबर जैन मंदिर अचार बाजार, पटियाला, पंजाब में स्थित है। शांतिपूर्ण वातावरण के साथ बहुत अच्छी तरह से जैन मंदिर का रखरखाव। साफ-सुथरा मंदिर, दर्शन, पूजा और ध्यान के लिए आदर्श स्थान। इस मंदिर में शासन देवी माता की एक सुंदर मूर्ति भी स्थापित है।

कैसे पहुँचें :

सड़क मार्ग द्वारा :

पटियाला सड़क मार्ग से अच्छी तरह से जुड़ा हुआ है।

रेल द्वारा :

पटियाला रेलवे स्टेशन

वायु द्वारा :

चंडीगढ़ हवाई 


Mulnayak Shri Shri Vasupujya Swami, white colour in padmasana posture. On the right side of mulnayak the idol of Shri Mallinath Bhagwan and on the left side the idol of Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan. All 3 idols are made of with white marble and very beautiful.

This Shwetamber Jain temple is situated in Achar Bazar, Patiala, Punjab. Very well maintain Jain temple with peaceful environment. Neat and clean temple, ideal place for Darshan, Puja and Meditation. A Beautiful idol of Shasan Devi Mata also established in this temple.

How to reach :

By Road: Patiala is well connected by road.

By Rail : Patiala railway station  

By Air : Chandigarh Airport

fmd_good Cycle Market, Dera Chhatta Magni Ram, Achar Bazaar, Patiala, Punjab, 147001

account_balance Shwetamber Temple

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