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Sri Adinathaya Namah
Sri Vidyasagaraya Namah
Shri Sudhasagray Namah
First time in the history of Shilodaya
For the first time in the history of Shilodaya Atishay Kshetra, on the auspicious occasion of Ashtanika Mahaparva, sit in a co-family gathering and reap the benefits of religion!
And get the good fortune of participating in the legislation by becoming Maina Sundari Shripal along with the couple.
Jai Jinendra Brothers
As you all are aware that with the blessings of Pujya Muni Pungav Sudha Sagar Ji Maharaj, Ashtanika Mahaparva will be celebrated with great enthusiasm at the Shilodaya pilgrimage site, Brahmachari Vinod Bhaiya, the supreme disciple of Pujya Gurudev Muni Shri Sudhasagar Ji Jabalpur (Hanumantal). We must have heard many times in the camp of Pujya Muni Shree whose sweet May Vani, in whose voice Mother Saraswati resides, who has organized many Siddhachakra Vidhan etc.
This Siddhachakra Mahamandal Vidhan will be organized under the direction of such respected Vinod Bhaiya ji.
Devpuja Gurupasti: Swadhyaya: Sanyamstatha.
Dan Cheti Grihasthanam Shatkarmani Dine Dine.
The Siddhachakra Mahamandal Vidhan has special importance in the Jain tradition. It is also known as Ashtahniki Puja. It is said that all worships are included in the Siddhachakra Vidhan.
All the sins of the household are destroyed by performing the ritual of this law with purification of mind. It is a belief that Siddha Chakra Vidhan must be performed once to atone for the known and unknown sins committed by the householders throughout their life.
It is known as all-achieving and auspicious law. The story of Mahasati Maina Sundari curing leprosy of her husband Shripal by the ritual of this law is world famous. This is the reason that today every Shravak has the intention to perform this Vidhaan at least once in his life.
To get the desired benefit of Siddhachakra Vidhan, we are also required to know its meaning and form.
Siddha- who is free from all karmic taints. The meaning of Chakra is group and circle means a kind of circular device, in which many types of mantras and letters are established. According to Mantra Shastra, many types of divine powers are manifested in it. According to the lexicographers, the meaning of the word Mandala is - a secret drawing prepared for the invocation of divine powers. The meaning of the word Vidhan is-means or rituals. Here the meaning of Vidhan is such a ritual, which is the means to fulfill our desired goal.
The system of attending the assembly has been kept free.
Whoever wants to give their names should contact soon.
Note, all arrangements have been made by Shilodaya Teerth Kshetra Committee!
2 years ago
By : Shri Aadinath Digamber Jain Shiloday Atishaya Tirth Kshetra Samiti